…makes you stronger.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

After a good night’s sleep I’m feeling ready to face another day.  And to think this last week I felt like not much was going on…

This morning on my way into town all the security guards at the front gate ask if I’m ok and express their concern, this continues everywhere on campus.  Some of the ladies from the main office tell me not to let it scare me and they are right.  Ok, so admittedly, I’m really jumpy, the sight of two guys running across the road in front of the vehicle ahead has me flooring my car and passing with all the adrenaline rushing through my arms…But life goes on.

I know I’m extremely fortunate nothing worse has happened and that I’m extremely fortunate I got away with only a bit of damage to my car.

I stop in the security office this afternoon as I had been requested to, to give my statement to Joe, or ‘Corporeal Joe’ as he tells me he is the new head of police on campus.  I give the entire story (for the 3rd time there) and then he asks me to write it up and turn it in as well so they can officially investigate.  There has actually been a few incidents in the last week and it’s suspected that they are the same couple of young adults doing this.  I leave my house to go into town for dinner and I have not one, but three security guards in my yard (one policeman and two kuima guards).  They will stay there thru the weekend at least at night.

I see the cutest thing on the way into town this evening – a bunch of kids using a very large tree trunk and a smaller tree trunk as a seesaw.  They are having a blast.

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