FDR Four Freedoms Park

Saturday, April 27, 2013

‘Field trip’ (on a Saturday?) to the Four Freedoms Park on Roosevelt Island – my first trip to Roosevelt Island and to this brand new addition to Kahn’s work._DSC1418 Louis Kahn – one of the greatest American Architects – was found dead in a New York subway bathroom, unknown.   Continue reading

Monday, April 15, 2013

Lost in a sea of sadness over absolute ignorance and intolerance I wandered north today after work, avoiding my usual subway route out of Times Square and the increased security sure to follow the events at the Boston Marathon.

IMG_0773You can lose yourself in thoughts, wondering how a day so beautiful can hold such utter horror, realizing events like this will continue to occur despite all efforts to increase national security.  But it is a beautiful day, Central Park is in full bloom and the air still holds a slight chill which makes it perfectly refreshing. IMG_0777