
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I have never been this cold in PNG.  Seriously – how is this possible?  I was cold to the bone for at least 5 hours and even after having a hot shower, hot tea(s), and the oven on for a few hours I still don’t feel ‘warm.’   Continue reading


Friday, September 7, 2012

I’m on my way to Alotau , a very last minute plan to go for a site visit for a small project I may be starting for a friend.  This also happens to coincide with a project Chris and I are running with our 3rd year students in studio.  Remember the Canoe Festival in Alotau I went to two years ago?  We are having the students do a design for a Cultural Centre in Alotau on traditional water crafts of Melanesia/Polynesia.   Continue reading

Dambe’s loss

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Dambe (rhymes with Bambi), is my latest Haus Meri, and has been with me since March.  She’s the best.  She works for me 2 days a week and does a fabulous job. She’s thorough, knows what she is doing, she’s detail oriented, she’s organized, she plans ahead, she asks for what she needs and even sees the dirt. Sometimes I have thought I should ask her to do ‘x’ and before I even say anything she tells me she’s going to do exactly what was on my mind.  She irons everything (I sometimes have to tell her it’s not necessary to iron the shirts I run in).  Best of all, the very most important thing, is that she is sooo cheerful.  She’s the greatest!  She smiles, she talks to me (in pisin). When she can’t come to work for various reasons she texts me to let me know.   Continue reading